
3 min read

Press Release NGenAI: Revolutionary Innovation from Nominow for Customer Insights, in collaboration with Jaarbeurs & Groq

Nominow announces NGenAI in collaboration with Jaarbeurs and Groq, an AI for its Customer Data Platform aimed at simplifying access to customer insights. GenAI enables intuitive interaction with data for actionable insights in a secure environment. This initiative signals a step towards integrating AI in data analysis for customer intimacy at scale.

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Aftermovie Sluit
Frame 19 (1) (1)

5 min read

MarTech use cases with Nominow: Driving Marketing Success Through Data

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Klantdata Centraliseren Als IT Afdeling. Hoe Richt Je Dit Efficie Nt In 5X (2)


5 min read

Enhancing Data Quality: The Nominow Approach

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7 Doorslaggevende Redenen Waarom Het Nominow CDP De Datadruk Bij IT Organisaties Wegneemt5x


3 min read

Data team use cases with Nominow: Supercharging your tech stack

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Vier Redenen Waarom IT Nu De Lead Moet Nemen In Het Waarborgen Van Kwaliteit En Beschikbaarheid Van Klantdata5x


6 min read

Nominow: Ultimate flexibility in your customer data.

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Zet De Digitale Transformatie In De 6E Versnelling Met Een Cdp5x


4 min read

How easy access to high-quality data can improve your Customer Relationships

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Jouw Digitale Transformatiestrategi E Is Kansloos Zonder Cdp5x


4 min read

Nominow's UI for non-tech users

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Verschuiving Van Third Naar First Party Data Is Onomkeerbaar5x


4 min read

The small steps approach to a successful CDP implementation

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Waarom Data Cruciaal Is Voor Digitale Transformatie In Sales5x


4 min read

The Real reason businesses aren't hearing you

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Aftermovie Sluit


4 min read

Why We're Bringing NGenAI to Nominow

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Aftermovie Sluit


4 min read

How NGenAI works – A technical perspective

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Aftermovie Sluit


4 min read

(Visionary) NGenAI Use Cases: Transforming Data into Action

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Vier Redenen Waarom IT Nu De Lead Moet Nemen In Het Waarborgen Van Kwaliteit En Beschikbaarheid Van Klantdata5x


6 min read

Four reasons IT should now take the lead in ensuring customer data quality and availability

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Jouw Digitale Transformatiestrategi E Is Kansloos Zonder Cdp5x


4 min read

Your digital transformation strategy has no chance without Customer Data Platform (CDP)

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Group 38 (1)


4 min read

Customer Data Platform vs. Data Management Platform

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Is Dat CDP Echt Een Customer Data Platform 5X


4 min read

Is that CDP really a Customer Data Platform?

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Klantdata Centraliseren Als IT Afdeling. Hoe Richt Je Dit Efficie Nt In 5X (1)


3 min read

Integrated experience platform vs. best-of-breed infrastructure

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Een Customer Data Platform Wat…. ! 5X


5 min read

A Customer Data Platform what…?!?

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Haal Meer Uit Je Marketingstack Met Een Customer Data Platform5x (1)


5 min read

Get more out of your marketing stack with a Customer Data Platform (CDP)

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Klantdata Centraliseren Als IT Afdeling. Hoe Richt Je Dit Efficie Nt In 5X (2)


5 min read

Centralize customer data as an IT department. How do you organize this efficiently?

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Marketing Enterprise Suites, Heilige Graal, Of Toch Niet 5X (1)


5 min read

Marketing Enterprise Suites, holy grail, isn't it?

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Verschuiving Van Third Naar First Party Data Is Onomkeerbaar5x


7 min read

Shift from third to first party data is irreversible

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7 Doorslaggevende Redenen Waarom Het Nominow CDP De Datadruk Bij IT Organisaties Wegneemt5x


5 min read

7 key reasons why the Nominow Customer Data Platform is taking the data pressure off IT organizations

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De Belangrijkste Obstakels Om Te Komen Tot Een Centraal Klantbeeld En Hoe Je Deze Overwint4x


3 min read

Customer Data Platform: the link to strengthen your existing IT infrastructure

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Waarom Data Cruciaal Is Voor Digitale Transformatie In Sales4x


7 min read

Why data is crucial for digital transformation in sales

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